February 2nd to 15th 2022
embroidery floss, recycled bed sheet, heavy interfacing
This is the applique of sorts on the LSP dress I made, it was important that this aspect match the character design as much as possible so the whole piece would be recognizable. This took about two weeks of spare time. It's about 2.5 by 10 inches. I’m very glad I learned the importance of stabilizers before making this piece.
Cat Cafe
October 14th to 18th 2022
embroidery floss, altered secondhand crewneck, heavy interfacing
This is inspired by Natasha Allegri's Bee and Puppycat but this is from Lazy in Space 2022. Howell's Cat Cafe has some great merch worn by the Wizard family but I really love the turtleneck with the cat cafe logo on the lapel that Merlin and Toast wear. I thrifted the cream colored crewneck and altered it slightly as it came with shoulder pads and some interesting structural folds on the sleeves. After the surgery it was a simple design to mimic, the hard part was finding good reference images. I gladly watched the show several times to acquire these images.
November 22nd 2022
embroidery floss, pink strecth fabric, buttons
I've never made a pillow or a stuffed toy but after being frustrated with a project not featured on this site and watching Adventure time for like the hundredth time I decided to create a pattern for Marceline the vampire queen's beloved Hambo. I went with an in between new and spell component Hambe design of my own.
July 2017
black polyester thread, muslin
This took a few hours at most. I am a big fan of Branson Reese and at the time he did not have merchandise or prints of any kind for sale but I really love this panel from a comic of his so I replicated it in basic stitching. I like my use of cheap household thread in this, I think it reflects the linework of the illustration better than embroidery floss would have.
December 2018
embroidery floss, muslin
A friend of mine is a fan of the team and it was his birthday. There’s not a lot to do in my hometown. I learned to plan ahead when it came to directional stitches because this could have been much cleaner if I had done so.
Angry Cat
January 2020
embroidery floss, muslin
My sister sent me a tweet with an image of a small orange and white kitten and an image of the kitten’s likeness embroidered on a simple white background. My sister said “Make me this pls” I obliged.
November 2018
embroidery floss, cross stitch aida cloth
I had pent up creative energy and I needed to make something so I made this for my partner when he passed a test.